Week 2

What We’ll Be Covering This Week

Top Alignment Accelerators Exercise

This is just a brief assessment that will change over time.

To use this document, click on link. Go to File> Make a Copy> and you can edit and save your own document in Google Drive.

My Top Alignment Accelerators

Your Full Sexual Self Change Practice

For this change exercise you’ll want a private room where you can do this practice. This is to help you create new neural network patterns for an updated version of your sexual self. It’s a practice that you can do whenever you feel like you’ve expanded significantly in your desires and want to update your body. Make sure you have at least 3-4 feet to move in any direction.

The Power of Words

To use this document, click on link. Go to File> Make a Copy> and you can edit and save your own document.

Word Play Document

Felt Sense Sensual Exploration

For this practice you’ll want to find a comfortable place that is private where you can feel free to touch yourself naked. You may also want to have on hand some massage oil, and any toys you like to use including the wands that I’ve noted for the program.

So you’ll want to take a few minutes just to drop into the body through your breath. The kind of breathing we will be doing is a connected breath. Where you loosen your jaw and breath in and out through the mouth. The jaw is directly connected to the pelvis through the vegus nerve and in order to have a relaxed pelvis, you need to have a loose jaw.

A connected breath is where you do not pause between the inhale and the exhale, just continue to breathe in and out through the mouth. 


The Sexual Temperament Questionnaire

This is a downloadable PDF taken from Emily Nagoski, PHD’s Sexual Temperament Work. Enjoy!


Books for this week

Not required but if your are interested in more information about flow states and how to work with the mind. I highly recommend Michael Singer’s books. He is the founder of WebMD. Was a person who only wanted to stay in the woods and meditate but ended up following the flow of life and taking an Internet company public.

The Surrender Experiment (audible) as Michael reads this and there is a transmission in his reading.

The Untethered Soul (as a book)

Monday Call October 14, 2019

Mining Your Triggers for Gold & How to Use the Emotional Scale to Shift Old Patterns of Belief

Here is the recording of the call, so lovely seeing everyone’s faces!

Below you’ll find the Emotional Scale Worksheet I spoke about as well as a PDF that you can download on Universal Needs if you ever need a reference for when you are triggered ; ) YAY!

Monday calls are at 7 pm PST that will start on time. It will always be this same Zoom link below which you can access from a desktop or mobile phone.


Emotional Scale Worksheet

To use this document, click on link. Go to File> Make a Copy> and you can edit and save your own document.

Emotional Scale Worksheet

Here is a PDF that you can download on Universal Needs. SUPER handy. Here is a reminder of the steps.

  1. What is the trigger
  2. What was the person’s strategy that annoyed you?
  3. What need do you think they are trying to get met through that strategy
  4. Are you answering that need for yourself?
  5. And if not, what are some steps you could take to get that need met?

Needs Inventory PDF

Weekly Progress Tracker


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